Writing Commissions

Hello! I'm Sam (she/her; 20). Thank you for taking an interest in commissioning me (or for at least checking my carrd out). Click on the links below for more information!

If you haven't read my fics before, you can read them on my AO3! I do have NSFW fics, but I keep them on a separate account. If you are 18+ and would like to see before commissioning me, DM me on Twitter/Tumblr for a link.


I have two options!

Full Fic
Lowest I'll write for a full fic is 1,000 words. So, the starting price would be $10. You can go up to as much as you'd like with an additional dollar every 100 words. So, a 1,700 word fic would be $17.00 USD
($1.00 USD per 100 words)

If I write more than what you paid for, you will NOT be charged for that.

Buy me a Ko-Fi ($3.00 USD) with a prompt and I'll write a little ficlet that will likely be 300-800 words long. Please read my rules before doing this though!
My Ko-Fi

When commissioning, please give me a prompt to go off of!

I will expect the full price up front (I use Paypal and Venmo). If something is preventing me from finishing the fic in a timely matter, I will keep you informed. In the case that I cannot finish the fic, I will give you a full refund. Once the fic is completed, you cannot get a refund for it. After you've read the fic, I will be posting it to my AO3!

What I will write

I am primarily a BNHA fanfic writer and I am most comfortable with writing for that fandom, however, I am opening myself up to other fandoms. Please click on the fandoms tab to see what I am familiar with.
There are some things that will not write:

  • Teacher/student (parent/child's friend) ships

  • Incest

  • Loli/shota

  • Underage

  • Non-con (wiggle room on dubious; ask)

  • Owner/slave(pet)

  • Fandoms/characters I'm completely unfamiliar with

  • Drug use (I have never done drugs in my life, so no experience to draw from)

Other than some restrictions, I will write for practically any ship (including poly)! You got a rare/crack pair you and 2 other people ship? I'm down to write, as long as I know the characters involved.

I am willing to dabble into darker themes and will write NSFW (if you are 18+). You can always shoot me a DM (either on Twitter, Tumblr, or Discord) if you have any questions. If you don't want to ask me directly, I do have a Curious Cat you can ask anonymously on.

I have the right to turn down any commissions I do not feel comfortable writing, whether it be the content or I question my ability to deliver a quality fic.


I want to stress that the only fandoms I have written for are BNHA, BSD (sskk), Haikyuu!! (kurotsuki), and Animal Crossing (reddnook). I'm confident I can write for other fandoms, but want to be crystal clear I will not having writing examples for them.

  • BNHA (My Hero Academia)

  • Bungou Stray Dogs

  • Haikyuu!!

  • Yuri On Ice!!!

  • Pokemon (Sword and Shield/Sun and Moon/X and Y)

  • Voltron

  • Servamp

  • Bleach

  • Inuyusha

  • LoZ (Wind Waker, BOTW, Twilight Princess)

  • Animal Crossing

  • Zombieland Saga

  • Naruto (Shippuden)

  • Noragami

  • Assassination Classroom

  • Free!

This is not a complete list of everything I've watched/played, and I'm not caught up in all these series, but ones I feel like I'm familiar enough with to write something for it.


You are free to cotact me on Twitter or Tumblr!
I'm also on discord (Lillabelle#7423)

Message me on either of those platforms to commission me! Whether it be a full fic or ficlet, please be clear with the character(s) and/or ship(s) that will be involved as well what you want the fic to be about. For ficlets I can run on very small prompts (I'll need more than just a ship), but would prefer a bit more detail as to what you want for 1k+ fic!